What are you Waiting for to Make Your Art?


What Are You Waiting For?

I'm not asking in the pushy sense of trying to get you to hurry up and get started - I'm genuinely curious. What exactly are you insisting needs to happen before you start making your art?

Is it for it to be perfect, Good Enough, Better than someone else? When you've enough money, a full afternoon or the dishes are done? Is it when the hurt from trauma or crises has passed? 

Write it down. Write down what has to happen before you can make your art.


Being clear about what you're waiting for makes it far more likely that your art will happen and far less likely that you're merely stalling or making excuses.  

Conversely, if there's something that requires your attention, it takes the pressure off because you're clear that in these conditions, your art must wait. 

Need a Kick-start to Make Your Art?

Take the FREE 6-day Challenge to Get unstuck, overcome obstacles and start making the Art you love:


Take a Deep dive into the 6 most common obstacles that get in your way (you're not alone) and find out the tools, strategies and inspiration to overcome them.

Get ready to feel enthusiastic again, less stressed and buzzing to make and share more of the Art you love.