The Face in Clay - 3 Day Class


This is THE class to learn more about portraiture....either for clay OR for your paintings.

So if you're saying, 'I paint portraits, I don't sculpt them',  let me tell you this - understanding form helps you paint form. 


And surprise, understanding form also helps you sculpt form.


SR Studio


Or if you're saying to yourself, 'that's all well and good, but I can't do that - mine will look inhuman'   Stop and hear me out.

I get it, I know approaching portraiture can be intimidating because we all know what a face is 'supposed' to look like and therefore we feel the pressure to create a likeness.

BUT that's not what this course is about - The first weekend is all about providing an introduction into breaking down the face into simple shapes through step by step techniques, demos, understanding proportions and anatomy plus a whole lot of 1-2-1 guidance.  

You can do with these techniques as you will - turn your portrait into an ogre, a fairy, female, male, give it a mo-hawk, horns or decide to spend some extra time after class to pursue a likeness...whatever you decide, goes. 

The follow-up class  (Saturday 30 September, 11-2 pm) will show you how to finish off your sculpture so it can be safely fired and look at surface finishes.

SR Studio sculpting face ex.jpg

Therefore, this course is for you if....

----> You want to improve your figurative work (3-d AND/OR  2-d)

---->You are a total beginner or been practicing for a while and just want to learn more

----> Want a shortcut into techniques I've refined through 10 years of studying figures

----> Fancy a fun, challenging and interesting weekend.





TIME: Sat/Sun 23/24 10AM - 4PM and Sat 30, 11-2PM

FEES: £215 (can be paid in instalments)

LOCATION:  Unit 10E, Owen O’Cork Mill, 288 Beersbridge Road, Belfast, BT5 5DX


Have any questions?

There are only 10 spaces on this course because I want to give you the attention and 1-2-1 guidance you deserve.  If you’re still not sure, send me an email and lets chat: