Posts in Inside the Studio
Balancing Act: February Review

This year, I'm holding nothing back in a series and exhibition called 'Balancing Act,' a behind the scenes insight into balancing commitments and creativity. This is what’s happened in February:

I’ve been well aware that I’d be facing my own resistance this quarter as I took off so much time for the wedding in November and December. But knowing it’s coming and facing it are two different things…

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Balancing Act: January Review

Each Month I’ll share two posts – the first being  a monthly insight into the studio showing a round up of how I balanced the previous month’s workload, life and business with the pursuit of something that’s on the heart, which for me is a solo show. 

The second post (on the third Monday of the month) will be a thought, concept or strategy to help you make more time for your he[art].

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The Balancing Act

 This year I'm holding nothing back in a series called 'Balancing Act,' a behind the scenes insight into balancing commitments and creativity.   Because the way I see it, we’ve too many ‘have to’s and not enough ‘must do’s’

But this will be the first time I’ve lifted the veil as fully as this.

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Balance & Accountability

You set off with great intentions but commitments stack up and the paints or tools stay in their box and we work toward something else that needs our attention. We work for the boss, the house, family and others, forgetting to give those precious moments to ourselves and the heart slowly gets pushed further into the sidelines.

One method to bring the hearty tasks back to the centre is to find an accountability partner…

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But personal or professional change doesn't feel quite as cosy because a transition from here to there carries a fear of the unknown.

It’s easier to decide against it and stay here in our comfortable safe space because changing means moving into and living with discomfort . 

Of actively embracing and tolerating uncertainty. 

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Materiality Unseen

‘Materiality’ not only shows this 'physical body' of artwork, but also the unseen aspects which go into bringing that work to life. 

It comments on what takes place under the surface mentally, financially and logistically in order to deliver an exhibition or further one's creative career.

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March Meet the Maker

Unsurprisingly, I have a severe love hate relationship with Social Media and am a bit tech-dyslexic...I did a Masters in mud after-all, you can't get more primal than that!  But that hasn't meant that I've managed to get away without living within our increasingly virtual world....

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